Day Trading Forex Live – Advanced Forex Bank Trading Strategies

Protecting Your Financial Future – Lesson’s From 1929

May 04
03:56 2012

Of all the forex training articles on this site, and of all the training videos….these may very well be the most important. Its been said that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat history’s mistakes.

The parallel’s between the crash of 1929 and today are so obvious, but yet so blissfully ignored. The last ditch efforts to keep the market from crashing was a ‘heroic” move by the banks to infuse capital to free up lending. Sound familiar? Again on “Black Thursday” they again promised capital as a last ditch effort to shore up the market and it worked….until Monday.

Now we have the FED pouring trillions of dollars into the economy as a last ditch effort. What has history shown us. The greatest tell tale sign might however be in the manipulation. As the economic indicators were turning down through 2007 and 2008 the DOW rallied to a new high? Shouldn’t equities reflect the general overall health of the economy?

Today as we see more reason than every to worry about the global financial system, you should ask yourself one question. Shouldn’t equities reflect the general health of the global economy?

History predicts the future, and without fail this will be no exception. I strongly urge those with market exposure to talk to your professional advisor as to ways to protect yourself from market downside/free fall. Eventually (within the next year or two I believe) the market will correct and it is now you and I alike should be preparing. I hope this article and these videos spur you to action.

While I urge everyone to go through all 6 parts (about an hour all together), if you are short on time part 4 & 5 provide some stark parallel’s to today.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

If you would like more information on learning to trade forex by tracking the daily manipulation of the banks in the market please visit our forex trading course & members trading forum.

If You Believe Other Could Benefit From This Information Please Tweet It, Like It, Or Share It On Google+ Below !!

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  1. Karim
    Karim May 04, 05:13

    Already bought 1 kg gold coins…

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  2. sean
    sean May 04, 07:03

    Great set of videos Sterling.


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  3. Lenny
    Lenny May 04, 18:29

    This is a wonderful series of videos that should make us humble again in our persuit for wealth by trading. Although times have changed and people are more aware of what might happen, we still know nothing about the (mal)practices of those who lead the markets on a daily basis in this current time and age. And while man has become more aware, so has smart money too. And they use technologies that we can only dream about.

    By pointing the finger to those who run the show, we should point to ourselves too and realize that any gain of ours makes losses for others. Yes, we hide behind “we take it from the big guys” … while those are taking it from the naive investor who’s believe system still floats high in the sky surrounded by beaming sunshine.

    Bit by bit we become small representations of those big earners who dont give a dime for other people or morality altogether. Although scale has become global, the markets are still led by a handful of people who run there own show by leading the largest banks in the world thus influencing economy and nations (even continents) to keep the poor in their poverty while their own wealth thrives far beyond imagination.

    Lets be careful and make sure we can still be happy when we look into the mirror.

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  4. Ironn
    Ironn May 06, 16:17

    That was very insightful thanks sterling and chad!

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