The classic entry style we call the Confirmation Entry is one I would always recommend for beginner traders. However, it involves specific rules, which may not allow for much fluidity
Having a repeatable entry technique is key for any trader still working towards profitability. At DTFL we use two core trading entry styles to determine when and where Smart Money
One of the best things about running DTFL is seeing members develop into traders. It’s encouraging to me and it should be to all those still in the learning process.
The DTFL bank trading strategy uses multiple trade management rules. One is focused on the change between trading sessions, another is the end of day rule. These rules protect us
Backside Trade Setup On The USD/CAD A backside setup is the primary trading strategy we use to catch ‘breakout’ type
Make 2020 Your Year! There is no such thing as a trading hack, secret, or tip that will magically make
Introduction to the Smart Money Cycle / Market Trend Analysis The first step in tracking smart money is determining whether
Intro To Manipulation Point Selection Learning to properly select manipulation points is the key to tracking smart money. The fact
The ‘Confirmation Entry’ The Confirmation Entry has been the dominant entry style we’ve used over the last decade. This entry
This past week was a very interesting one, as we had the UK election wrapping up serving a sort of