Day Trading Forex Live – Advanced Forex Bank Trading Strategies

Learn Actual Day Trading Strategies Used By The Mega-Banks

Because the Banks move such massive sums of money they essentially leave behind a footprint that we can learn to follow.

Over the last 3 years we have taught well over 2,000 traders how they can learn to track the banks. Why is it so critical for all forex traders to learn these techniques even if they trade another strategy? As of May 2012 only 5 banks controlled over 50% of the daily volume in the FX market (Reference ~ Wikipedia Foreign Exchange Market).  Because this small group of ‘Elite’ banks has the power and resources to control the majority of the volume, they as a direct result dictate the daily trend in the forex market. Therefore, as retail traders we must trade with the banks or else we are sure to take a losing position.

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Although the banks are without a doubt massive, this strength can actually be a weakness….a weakness we as retail forex traders can learn to exploit. To put it simply, lets for a second think about how all transactions must take place in any market. For every buyer there must be a seller, and for every seller there must be a buyer. To put it another way if you have the desire to buy something but no one is selling you cannot buy, and if you are trying to sell something but no one is willing to buy you cannot sell. This basic fact is the struggle mega-banks have to deal with on a daily basis. How so?

Because banks move such massive sums of money they must ‘create’ buy orders when they want to sell, and likewise they must create sell orders when they want to buy. This creation of liquidity or orders in the market is often seen in the form of market manipulation or false moves. Most would like you to believe the forex market is to large to be manipulated, but is this really true? Remember 50% of all volume is controlled by only 5 banks. If you add the next 5 largest banks, you then have 10 banks controlling over 75% of the daily volume. Its a very simple equation….if you control well over 50% of all daily orders you can control the market no matter the markets size. So how then do banks manipulate the market, and more importantly how does this manipulation allow us to track them?

These are questions we cover in our live forex trading seminars. I’ll just say flat out we do not pitch people in our live forex seminars. Our live training sessions are purely content driven! We do not give “half answers” or hold back portions of the banks trading strategy. We lay everything out there in an effort to help traders see the need to at least understand the basics no matter what strategy they use, and we do not leave the seminar until we have answered every one of your questions. So how do you join our live seminar? Simply use the sign up form below and we will send you your login information for the upcoming education seminar.

See You All There!


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